Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tartuffe Morals And Ethics Essays - Ethics, Tartuffe,

Tartuffe: Morals And Ethics Tartuffe: Morals and Ethics From the moment of our conception, who we are and how we will one day believe and behave is completely laid out for us. Truly our upbringing and everyday environment play a role in who we are and how we present ourselves but, the reality is, we are who we are meant to be. We each serve a very specific purpose in life. Granted some of us are blessed with a more dignified role, and others, well, were not as lucky in the casting department. However, within those of us who were graciously bestowed a sense of morality, lies a specific amount of morals, or ethics. The question of course, is how much and why, why do we believe as we do. Well, Ill tell you why.we were born that way. From birth we were meant to be a certain way. We were meant to follow a certain believe, thats what makes us who we are. For example, in Molieres Tartuffe, Tartuffe acted in the name of every ethical belief imaginable, yet lived by not one of them. Tartuffe was without a doubt a man of nonexistent morality. Which better proves my point, people are born with morals. Just as some people are born to be leaders, people are also born to live as honest ethical human beings. Of course in the case of morality, ethical stability comes in various levels. All who hold the ability to live as principled individuals maintain a certain amount of moral dignity. Despite how much or how little your ethical reasoning stretches, its still there, and will always be there. Tartuffe was an odious hypocrite whose apparent piety ingratiated him with the credulous Orgon and his mother Mme. Both Orgon and his mother believed that Tartuffe's pious example of immaculate ethics would be good for the remaining members of the family. But everyone else in the family, including the outspoken servant Dorine, was perceptive enough to see right through the impostor. Right from the get go, Tartuffes overwhelming misconception of ethical truth is completely avoidable. Tartuffe promoted the lifestyle of an everyday noun. But, he lived the lifestyle of a blatant hypocrite. Regardless of the amount of agony he imposed, he was still able to disregard every ethical rule. He saw what he wanted and went after it full force, despite all consequences. The man obviously lacked any sort of morality. I believe he acted this way because of whom he was inside. Tartuffe was a very intelligent man. He devised many plans and conjured up numerous fabrications to implement each of his schemes. Now, any man or woman who had the slightest amount of moral integrity would surely feel some remorse. Tartuffe on the other hand didnt. He executed each of his plans without the slightest amount of compunction. Now ask yourself this, why didnt he ever repent any of his sins? Well, because he was born lacking the morality gene. Just as people are born without a mean bone in their body Tartuffe was born lacking any sense of ethical understanding. How dare you even hinder or annoy, When I've the means to ruin and destroy. You should have thought before my toes you trod. Attacking me, you set yourself 'gainst God. Tartuffe being the fraudulent monster that he is stated the previous quote. During the whole of the play Tartuffe bounced back and forth between the word of the lord and blatant hypocrisy. The previous quote justifies his unstable perception of right and wrong. ...this house belongs to me, Ill have you know, And I shall show you that you cant hurt me By this contemptible conspiracy, That those who cross me know not what they do, And that Ive means to expose and punish you, Avenge offended Heaven, and make you grieve That ever you dared order me to leave. Ironically enough even after being exposed for fraud he reverts to his religious asceticism using references to offending heaven. He also makes a brief biblical reference, That those who cross me know not what they do. This is similar to what Jesus said when speaking to God during the Roman crucifixion saying, Forgive them Father

Monday, November 25, 2019

24 Things Essays - Allegory, Footprints, Poems, Literature

24 Things Essays - Allegory, Footprints, Poems, Literature 24 Things 24 Things 1. Your presence is a present to the world. 2. You're unique and one of a kind. 3. Your life can be what you want it to be. 4. Take the days just one at a time. 5. Count your blessings, not your troubles. 6. You'll make it through whatever comes along. 7. Within you are so many answers. 8. Understand, have courage, be strong. 9. Don't put limits on yourself. 10. So many dreams are waiting to be realized. 11. Decisions are too important to leave to chance. 12. Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize. 13. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. 14. The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets. 15. Don't take things too seriously. 16. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. 17. Remember that a little love goes a long way. 18. Remember that a lot goes forever. 19. Remember that friendship is a wise investment. 20. Life's treasures are people together. 21. Realize that nothing is ever too late. 22. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. 23. Have health and hope and happiness. 24. Take the time to wish upon a star. ... And don't ever forget for even a day how very special you are. A friend is A Friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure. For our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace, makes the world that we live in, a better and happier place. Thanks for being my friend. A to Z= Achieve To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your A-Z's A-void negative sources, people, things and habits B-elieve in yourself. C-onsider things from every angle. D-on't give up and don't give in. E-njoy live today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. F-amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches. G-ive more than you planned to give. H-ang on to your dreams. I-gnore those who try to discourage you. J-ust do it! K-eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better. L-ove yourself first and foremost. M-ake it happen. N-ever lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal. O-pen your eyes and see things as they really are. P-ractice makes perfect. Q-uitters never win and winners never quit. R-ead, study and learn about everything important in life. S-top procrastination. T-ake control of your own destiny. U-nderstand yourself in order to better understand others. V-isualize it W-ant it more than anything. X-ccelerate your efforts. Y-ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you. Z-ero in on your target, and go for it! Have yourself a Merry 'lil Christmas Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light. From now on, our troubles will be out of sight. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Make the Yule-tide gay, From now on, our troubles will be miles away. Here were are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us once more. Through the years we all will be together, If the Fates allow. Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas now. A miracle There's a miracle called Friendship, That dwells in the heart. You don't know how it happens. Or when it gets it's start. But you know the special lift it always brings. You realize that Friendship..... Is God's most precious gift! Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all people. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to all even to the dull and ignorant ; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive people, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself to others you will become vain and bitter; there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Same sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same sex marriage - Essay Example Therefore, in regards to marriage, the Biblical teaching holds that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, forming one flesh (Genesis. 2:24). From the Christian teachings, it is apparent that God created man and woman to enjoy heterosexual sexual relationship, in the institution of marriage. This paper discusses reasons why same sex marriages should not be legalized. Christian teachings are replete with many incidents of deviant sexual behaviors including sodomy, incest, bestiality, rape, pedophile among others. The Bible documents God’s objection to same sex through Lot in Genesis 19: 3-14. According to Genesis 19, Lot a resident Sodom was one day approached by two men who wanted to have same sex with the Lot’s visitors. The man wanted to sodomize guests in Lot’s house so that they could save Sodom and Lot’s household from an imminent destruction. However, Lot rejected their demand and instead, he offered his two virgin daugh ters to the men. God came to the rescue of Lot and his family before the men could break his house and have sex with Lot’s daughters. That very night, God guided Lot and his family escaped to safer place. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed the following day, by falling fire and burning sulfur (Genesis, 19, 27). It is worth noting that God abhorred same sex and other deviant sexual behaviors in Sodom that He ordered Lot and his wife not to look back to the city as they fled to a safe place that God ordered them to flee to. However, Lot’s wife did not heed God’s command and when she turned back to face Sodom, she became a salt pillar (Genesis 19: 28). From the religious point of view, it is apparent that same sex marriage and sex is forbidden. In Christianity, the catholic denomination is particularly intolerant of the union between same sex couples in a marriage. According to Catechism of the Catholic Church (1613), homosexual actions are regarded as â€Å"intrins ically disordered† because they contradict with the natural law, inhabiting the gift of life through sexual intercourse. In addition, homosexual actions do not arise from genuine affection and sexual compatibility. In this case, the church recommends that under no circumstances should homosexuality be permitted in the society. Therefore, the church argues that legalizing same sex marriage would be harmful to the society (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1613). In context to family system and same sex marriage, many studies on marriages have established that families made of heterosexual couples are happier, healthier and have better economic standing (Linda and Maggie, 2001). Moreover, empirical studies have established that unmarried women are more likely to die than married women are, while the probability of unmarried man dying is five times to that of their married counterparts of the same age (Howard and Gary 1995). In this respect, marriage is a key public health issue, which results to adverse health effects if it is not established on the right foundation. In the family system, Yuanreng and Noreen (1990) argue that heterosexual marriage results into complementarities, that is absent in same sexual marriages. There are many differences between men and women and these diversities are complementary. These differences have a profound spiritual and physical importance and without complementarity between man and women,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case Management (see Instruction Below) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Management (see Instruction Below) - Essay Example The responsibility of looking after ones health is shared by the person himself, his family, and local community. The emergences of issues pertinent to health services make health the concern, not only by a nation, but on a global scale. According to Delaune and Ladner (2006), â€Å"changes in health care delivery in recent years have resulted in an increasing emphasis on cost containment and have subsequently created several unique management models†. One of these models is the case management system whose goal is to assist the patient in maintaining optimal level of health with the least amount of intervention from health care providers. The complexity of the role of a case manager can be viewed in relation to the holistic approach he is expected to implement in the continuum of health care. Delaune and Ladner (2006) define case management as â€Å"a methodology for organizing client care through an episode of illness so that specific clinical and financial outcomes are achieved within an allotted time frame†. The American Case Management Association provides this definition: â€Å"case management in hospital/health care systems is a collaborative practice model including patients, nurses, social workers, physicians, other practitioners, caregivers and the community. The case management process encompasses communication and facilitates care along a continuum through effective resource coordination. The goals of case management include the achievement of optimal health, access to care and appropriate utilization of resources, balanced with the patient’s right to self determination.† Various literatures have identified the roles and responsibilities of case managers as those encompassing the basic functions as expected of a manager: planning, organizing, directing and controlling all aspects of patient care. Delaune and Ladner (2006) averred that â€Å"the nurse assumes responsibility in planning, implementing, coordinating, and evaluating care for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunset Boulevard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sunset Boulevard - Essay Example film director Max Von Mayerling’s manipulation of Norma Desmond by paving her way to stardom and later on exerted his manipulative efforts to prevent the former star’s depression from plummeting further. In the persisting cycle of manipulation, Norma Desmond also plays the part of a manipulator as manifested in her relationship with writer Joe Gillis wherein she pays Gillis to keep her company later on caused her to murder the young writer. This manipulation continues its cycle in Hollywood at present with young actors and actresses being manipulated by the film industry who benefited from these actors and actresses when they were young and later on became less profitable as the young stars became exposed with the privileges of fame resulting to self-destruction and eventually losing their jobs as actors and actresses. The film industry produced child stars who in the long run became either self-destructive, had unstable family life, end of their acting careers or sadly, leads to their death An example of such is actress Lindsay Lohan who is currently on the news because of her drinking problems. Producers and other influential people in the motion picture business can’t even intervene and help Lohan on her drinking problem. Another example is actor Brad Renfro who had a constant problem with drugs and died only this year. Fans are also manipulated by these producers and influential few in the film industry by covering up the repulsive acts of the hottest stars while making profits out of these stars while feeding the fans with illusive stories and faà §ades of the profitable stars and later on withdrawing their support on these stars when they are no longer profitable because they had become uncontrollable in their wayward activities. Although some fans still remain devoted to celebrities, producers will not even consider these faded stars for neither a lead role nor a tiny role in their new films. Some fans maintain their admiration and respect for these

Friday, November 15, 2019

Jumeirah Beach Hotel Marketing Mix Analysis

Jumeirah Beach Hotel Marketing Mix Analysis Hospitality industry is one of the fastest growth areas in UAE economy and Dubai market also. There are a lot of hotels, which provides wide range of products in Dubai. In which, Jumeirah Beach Hotel is well-known because of its luxury and high ranking. To understand Jumeirah Beach Hotel success, we focus on analyzing its marketing mix with four main elements such as product, price, place distribution and promotion. Secondary data such as internet sources, reports and primary data such as reviews of customers through survey are collected to analyze Jumeirah Beach Hotel marketing mix. In additional, three other elements (process, people and physical evidence) of extended marketing plan are also mentioned in analysis summary to expanding our understanding about this hotels performances and success. Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai introduction Jumeriah Beach Hotel, opened in 1997, is a luxury hotel and premium family destination in Dubai. This hotel is one of Jumeirah groups projects, whose want to be a world class luxury international hotel and hospitality management company, committed to be the industry leader in all of activities through dedication to stakeholders, colleagues, customers, business partners and owners. After completion in 1997, the Jumeirah Beach Hotel became the 9th tallest building in Dubai and offer exclusive accommodations in the unique city in Dubai. Jumeirah Beach Hotel is located seaside on Jumeirah Beach and have total of 33,800 square metres (364,000 sq ft) of beach for visitors use. Beside the hotel is the Wild Wadi Water Park, which is unlimited for guest in the hotel access to. The beachfront area where the Burj Al Arab and Jumeirah Beach Hotel are located was previously called Chicago Beach. In addition, Jumeirah Beach Hotel is not far from the international airport and only about 25 km from the downtown Dubai. For construction style, this hotel is built as a dynamically shaped 26 storey curved design built in the shape of a breaking wave; the building stands 93 meters high and 275 meters long.As a beach resort that is completely given to the pleasures of life, Jumeirah Beach Hotels in Dubai provides to customer: 598 rooms and suites 19 private beachside villas Over 20 restaurants and bars Conference and Banqueting facilities Talise Complimentary access to Wild Wadi Water Park The Hub Sinbads Kids Club As many its success during development process, we can review main key results from 2006 to 2009 as follows (Picard F. ) Increase the overall hotel revenue by 10% by conducting an aggressive revenue management strategy Maintain a colleague turn over at 18 % JD power guest satisfaction index 800 points Increase the Dubai Holding Health and Safety audit by 28% within a year Manage to Achieve the highest Health and Safety score since 3 years Hotel HACCP certification Meet and Greet all new colleagues and host a quarterly lunch with all new promoted to a management role And its awards received since September 2006: Travelers Choice Awards 2006 Best Luxury Hotel World Dubai Quality award 2007, award recognize by the government of Dubai Jumeirah Beach hotel, rank 70 out of 100 hotels as results of Institutional investor survey, the world best hotel survey. Daily Telegraph Travel Awards, Jumeirah Beach Hotel Favorite resort hotels For the third year in a row, readers of one of Germanys leading business travel magazines, Business Travelers, chose Jumeirah Beach Hotel as the Best Hotel in the Middle East In 2012, Jumeriah Beach Hotel in Dubai have got the award of Travelers Choice ® 2012 Winner and been at Rank 13 of 452 hotels in Dubai (Trip advisors ) All of information shows that Jumeriah Beach Hotel in Dubai have been getting sustainable development and becomes one of the successful hospitality business in Dubai. Marketing mix analysis Product: The analysis focuses on explaining how the Jumeirah Beach Hotels products are developed to sustain competitive advantage Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai gets successfully because of its sustainable competitive advantage although it has only launched in 1997. Main keys of its sustainable competitive advantages are identified as follows: First, Hallmarks, Guiding principles and core standards of Jumeirah group is applied in its day to day activities. Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai promotes for integrity, teamwork, recognition, innovation, continuous growth, people focus as its culture and core competencies. With all of its performances, based on primary and secondary data collected, Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai gets 5 star rating with 5 criteria such as cleanliness, Facilities, Services, Location and Pricing. Thousands of reviewers have wonderful experience with this hotel because of its services and products. Second, Making customers its first priority and striving constantly to exceed their expectations. Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai provides premium family destination for customers with plenty to do for all ages. For example, it offers the standard room categories, which will sleep up to 2 adults and 2 children. Other room categories will sleep up to 3 children also so all of family members can easily stay together and enjoy their moments in this hotel. They are always available for child offers. They always bring the extra values for customers as free entry to The Wild Wadi Water Park. In addition theres a selection of childrens pools together with a climbing wall and extensive water sport options. About the meals, the resort also take care about children needs and requirements so they offer a choice of child-friendly restaurants with childrens menus and dining offers available throughout the year. They also create very comfortable playground for children with its 1,178 square meters o f total play, chill and swim areas in Sinbads Kids Club. There is a lot of great fun, fully supervised activities for children of all ages. Sinbads Kids Club meets international standards of children services and also provide very fantastic world to play for children. For babysitting services, in-room babysitting can be arranged with 24 hours notice. Charges will be made on an hourly rate basis plus travelling expenses. Applying the approach of making customers its first priority in activities, Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai has satisfied its customers and got very good reviews from them. Third, Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai performs its values by leading by example and role modeling a culture of excellence in everything it does. Evidence of this value is reflected by its customers. Based on primary data collected from a survey of Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai, we can see many impressive comments about its services. Angela Chan commented that The hotel emphasizes guest services and be excellent at this. All of staff is very pleasant, knowledgeable, ultra smiley and friendly , Great service, fantastic facilities as commented of Caroline Rodgers and The restaurant is perfect. The service and staff also fantastic as commented of Anonymous. Fourth, it always provides consistently superior and innovative products and services As reviews of customers, Jumeirah Beach Hotel has very good services at rate 5 star because its services are efficient, welcoming and friendly in spite of the demand masses. In this hotel, we can find consistently superior and innovative product and services such as: Nine premium types of room, including Ocean Deluxe Room, Ocean Deluxe Balcony Room, Ocean Club Executive Room, Ocean Junior Suite, One Bedroom Ocean Suite, Two Bedroom Ocean Suite, Three Bedroom Ocean Suite, Beachcomber Suite, Presidential Suite Diversified types of Dining and bars such as 360 °, Al Khayal, Beachcombers, Carnevale, Der Keller, Dhow Anchor , Go West, La Parrilla, La Veranda, Latitude, Latitude Creations, Marina, Ocean Blue (Beach), Palm Court, Pool Bar, Uptown Bar, Villa Beach, Waterfront, Fantastic facilities with Spa, The Gymnasium, Water Sports, Sinbads Kids Club (Luxury world wide collection) Price The analysis focuses on explaining how prices are set to reflect the organizations objectives and market conditions Because Jumeirah Beach hotel focuses on luxury services and want to become leader of hospitality industry as Jumeirah groups vision, it set price quite high in comparison with other luxury hotels in Dubai. Its room rate is from 422 and up when it is ranked as the twelfth of 452 hotels in Dubai (Trip advisors) We can compare its room rate with other luxury hotels as table below: Hotels Rank Room rate $ Al Maha Desert Resort 1 1059 and up Grosvenor House Dubai 2 305 and up Dar Al Masyaf at MadinatJumeirah 3 571 and up One and Only Palm Dubai 4 608 and up Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort Spa 5 273 and up Raffles Dubai 7 312 and up Jumeirah Beach Hotel 12 422 and up (Compare price of 19 hotels in Jumeirah Beach) With room rate of 422 and up, Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai achieve both of organizational objectives (luxury hotel and excellent services) and competitive advantage by pricing. Distribution This analysis focuses on explaining how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience As we know that, Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai is one of Jumeirah groups project so it can get benefit from distribution channel of Jumeirah group. First, this hotel joined in distribution channels of Jumeirah group with many online booking partners and sales agents such as, Agoda, hotel club, Travel, Hotel Pronto,, viva stay, on hotel,, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ These partners help this hotel provide customer convenience in booking and taking sales off. Second, this hotel has own distribution channels by direct sales and its sales agents as, Hayes Jarvis, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Jumeirah Beach Hotel also has best price guarantee for customers who book directly with it through its website. With combination of distribution channels of Jumeirah group and Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai distribution channels, customers are provided convenience to book room and taking sales off to save their money. Promotion This analysis focuses on illustrating how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives Because of many competitors in market segmentation of luxury hotels, Jumeirah Beach Hotel performs sales off strategy to promote sales. For examples, they always have special offers such as 4nts fr  £949 Includes Free Half Board per person based on two people sharing an Ocean Deluxe Room on a half board basis. Inclusive of private transfers, scheduled economy seats and all applicable taxes (Luxury worldwide collection) Jumeirah Beach Hotel announced that they have many other offers for customers and speak daily to their hotels to source better prices. In other ways, they have proper promotion strategy with partners to reach customers such as customers can save up to 70% if they booking through online booking partner. Analysis Summary Marketing mix is very important for one enterprises and Jumeirah Beach Hotel is not out of this theory. Four P elements (Product, Price, Place distribution, Promotion) this hotel have appropriated with its marketing objectives, its market segmentation and become to very important elements of its success. In additional, three other elements of extended marketing mix such as process, people and physical evidence also support to hotels success. About process, Jumeirah Beach hotel in Dubai has clear process, which is applied by teamwork and innovation theory as its statement we work towards common goals through open communication, mutual support and win win attitude. We respect our differences and build upon our strengths and we are open minded, challenging conventional thinking, improving our processes and implementing new ideas faster than our competitors (Jumeirah website) About people, this hotel has very good staffs, which always satisfy customers and contribute to its excellent reviews. Rating of services is always at 5 stars About physical evidence, we can easy find features for a luxury hotel as in room arrangement, scene, facilities, dining and bars and also equipment in types of room. Rooms at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel offer panoramic views of the beach, the harbor and the park and are equipped with cable / satellite channels, a safe and a plasma / LCD TV. With the features of floor-to-ceiling windows and private balconies, rooms offer a DVD player, a private bathroom and tea and coffee making facilities. Internet access is also provided. In conclusion, Jumeirah Beach Hotel marketing mix is evaluated as appropriated to its objectives, culture, marketing segmentation and vision. With its excellent performances, Jumeirah Beach Hotel will get higher ranking from its customers and become hospitality industry leader in Dubai as its vision and statement. Appendices Types of room in Jumeirah Beach Hotel Ocean Deluxe Room: have 2 main features breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf spacious seating area and walk-in shower Ocean Deluxe Balcony Room: have 2 main features Beautiful views with the most breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf Equipped with a king size bed, a spacious seating area, walk in shower and a separate bath. Ocean Club Executive Room: have five main features: 50 square meters (538 square feet) added Priority check in/out in the comfort of the Club Executive Lounge, luxurious amenities, breakfast options at Beachcombers, Latitude or in the comfort of the guest room. Guests with children have access to the Premium Leisure Club where breakfast is served. Ocean Junior Suite: have 2 main features Relax in the privacy of your very own sun terrace, dine alfresco or entertain in the sitting/living area. Can access to the Club Executive Lounge and breakfast is served in Latitude or in the comfort of own room. One Bedroom Ocean Suite: have 2 main features: Can access to the Club Executive Lounge and breakfast is served in Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Guests with children have access to the Premium Leisure Club and breakfast is served in either the Premium Leisure Club, Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Two Bedroom Ocean Suite: have 2 main features Can access to the Club Executive Lounge and breakfast is served in Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Guests with children have access to the Premium Leisure Club and breakfast is served in either the Premium Leisure Club, Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Three Bedroom Ocean Suite: have 2 main features Can access to the Club Executive Lounge and breakfast is served in Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Guests with children have access to the Premium Leisure Club and breakfast is served in either the Premium Leisure Club, Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Beachcomber Suite: have six main features 148 square meters (1,593 square feet) added Two bedrooms, kitchenette, 2 sun beds. Direct and easy access to the main pool area and the beach. Close access to the executive pool and Wild wadi Waterpark. Can access to the Club Executive Lounge and breakfast is served in Latitude or in the comfort of own room; Guests with children have access to the Premium Leisure Club and breakfast is served in either the Premium Leisure Club, Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Presidential Suite: have four main features 160 square meters (1,722 square feet) added c Special Features: Two floors with separate living, dining and sleeping areas. Large bedroom on the upper floor with bathroom and whirlpool. Lower level living room with bar counter and terrace. Sea view. Can access to the Club Executive Lounge and breakfast is served in Latitude or in the comfort of own room. Guests with children have access to the Premium Leisure Club and breakfast is served in either the Premium Leisure Club, Latitude or in the comfort of own room (Luxury worldwide collection)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pete Rose Essay -- Baseball Hall of Fame Baseball Players Essays

Pete Rose Bart Giamatti’s decision to ban Pete Rose from the Baseball Hall of Fame was not a fair decision at all. Pete Rose was placed on Baseball’s ineligible list in 1989 when commissioner of baseball, Bart Giamatti concluded that Rose had bet on baseball games, including games involving his own team, the Cincinnati Reds. In an agreement made with Baseball, Rose accepted his banishment from the sport. Although he never admitted to having gambled on baseball games (Maury). Pete Rose was a phenomenal baseball player and manager. He was accused of gambling. His team while he was managing was supposedly involved. Bart Giamatti’s severe punishment of Pete Rose is a very controversial topic in the world of sports. There are a few rules that must have been followed to be inducted to the Hall of Fame. The one that is keeping Rose away is rule five. Rule five states: Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team or teams on which the player played (Maury). This rule has been tested and beaten many times. Many players have entered the Baseball Hall of Fame such as the very unlikable Ty Cobb, the drinking Babe Ruth, the umpire abusing John McGraw, the racist Cap Anson, Gaylord Perry a suspected cheater, and the gambling Leo Durocher. Those are just a few of the baseball players who somehow made into the Hall of Fame and got passed rule five (Ritter). Pete Rose’s problem was not even as severe as all of these other men. The argument to this is that if these men can make it into the Hall of Fame why is Pete Rose banned. It is obvious that these players made it there with just their playing abilities and not by all of the other characteristics needed to be inducted into the Hall of Fame (Maury). Pete Rose started playing professional baseball in 1960 in the minor leagues and by 1963 he reached the Major Leagues as a rookie second baseman with the National Leagueà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Cincinnati Reds. Rose won the National League’s Rookie of the Year Award for 1963. He spent most of his 24 year career playing with the Reds, Rose also played with the Phillies and the Expos. In 1985 Rose broke one of the most â€Å"unbreakable† records of all time, by passing out Ty Cobb for the most career hits ever (Sports Illustrated.). Rose holds many records, some of which are: most games played, most at bats, and mos... ...cardinal rule of baseball and bet on baseball games. The day after Giamatti banned Rose from baseball, Giamatti held a press conference. He said that the matter of Pete Rose is now closed. It will be debated and discussed. Let no one think Rose has hurt the game, it will pass, and the game will go forward. Bart Giamatti made it clear that Rose was forever banished from baseball and he will never have another chance (Ritter). When Pete Rose was place on the ineligible list in 1989, the Hall of Fame rule number three said that any player on Baseball’s ineligible list shall not be eligible for the Hall of Fame. According to the current version of Baseball’s rules, Rose can be eligible for the Hall of Fame by getting of the banishment list. No one in the history of Major League Baseball has been able to get off the list. Pete Rose can petition Baseball’s powers to get off the list. Once he is off the list, he can be considered for the Hall of Fame (Ritter). No on e is sure if it is Pete Rose’s goal in life to be in the Hall of Fame. It might be hard but it is possible that Rose can be taken off the ineligible list. If he really wants to be in the Hall fame, he has the chance (Ritter).